
Check out the prices of the cleaning services offered by Cleaners Kilburn. They include price per hour and flat rates for house cleaning, domestic cleaning, carpet cleaning, end of tenancy cleaning. If you manage to find a cleaning company with better prices than the ones listed here, give us a call and we will beat any other quote.

End of Tenancy Cleaning Service

The end of tenancy cleaning service offered by us is a professional solution, offered by a team of cleaners (1-4 people). It has no limits and the price for it will be estimated, based on the size and condition of your property, as well as any additional tasks you requested.

End of Tenancy Cleaning in Kilburn Prices
Studio flat from £99
One Bedroom Property from £159
Two Bedroom Property from £179
Three Bedroom Property from £199

One Off Cleaning Service

The one-off deep cleaning service is a thorough cleaning project, performed by a team of cleaners. Its price will be based on the size and condition of your home. The regular domestic cleaning service will be performed by a single cleaner and costs £20/hour (a cleaning solution like this usually lasts at least 3 hours).

Hourly Based Cleaning Services in Kilburn Prices
One Off Cleaning £21/h
Domestic Cleaning £20/h
Regular Cleaning £20/h
Deep Cleaning £22/h

Carpet Cleaning Service

The price for this cleaning service will be based on the size of your carpet and the number of the upholstery pieces you have. The materials that are about to be cleaned will also affect the price of this service.

Carpet Cleaning in Kilburn Prices
Hallway carpet from £4
Bedroom carpet from £23
Living room carpet from £25
Minimum call out charge £55.

After Builders Cleaning Service

This is a thorough cleaning service and we will send a team of 2-4 cleaning experts to perform it. The price for this job will be based on the size and condition of the property, as well as the type of renovations you had.

After Builders Cleaning in Kilburn Prices
After Builders Cleaning from £24

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